Give a door or a window a seashell treatment with these DIY curtain idea.
All you need to make this lovely window treatment is white raffia or kite string and a few dozen limpets that are worn down into rings by the ocean. Then tie them at regular intervals. Seen at Country Living.
Worn down limpet shells via Flickr.
I've never found any limpets so far and couldn't believe that Lucy from Attic24 collected 145 of them in one day! Here they are stacked up in tens to count.
This shows that you can string together seashells of any kind, given you're comfortable Drilling Holes.
A handcrafted seashell curtain made from locally sourced shells defines the entrance to this Maui bedroom. Seen at Coastal Living. Original source no longer available.
Shell curtain door hanging seen at Sweet Paul Magazine.