Cast your own Plaster Starfish or Buy Faux Starfish and frame them. Here are 13 creative framing ideas for starfish.
Framing Starfish on a jute background. The texture of the jute backing captures the feel of sand.
Starfish in a shadow box with a framed beach sand paper in the background. A simple dimensional piece. Original source unknown.
Beautiful contrast with dark blue and white starfish art, seen here. Made with Ikea frames and blue card stock.
Elegantly framed starfish at The Well Appointed House. Gold painted starfish is suspended between glass with a decorative gold line, in a distressed black and gold frame.
Choose any background you wish. Shadow box by Plumeria.
A small Shadow Box is used here, and pink fabric.
The background for this Starfish is hand woven with ribbons.
A creative framing idea that includes scrapbook paper, wine corks and twine. Seen here.
A starfish suspended between glass by Tresor Le Mer.
Think outside the frame. Seen here.
Hang Starfish off the frame as seen here.
Another way of hanging and Framing a Starfish.
A simple painted Canvas idea.
Starfish on a plate, featured on Decorating with Starfish -Creative Display Ideas.
Starfish mounted on an embroidery hoop.
A Starfish Wall Hanging plaque that had a previous life as a cupboard door.
Tiny starfish in a frame. These are 4x4 inch tiles with square inset slots.
However you frame your starfish, you might even want to compose a stunning Gallery Wall. Original source unknown.