ABC's Revenge plays by the shore and the beach houses on the set sport a few great coastal decor accents.
The story takes place in the Hamptons, but filming locations are North Carolina and LA studios.
At Emily Thorne's beach house people come and go through the back entrance that faces the ocean.
And who wouldn't agree with the sign that hangs by the back entry? Available via PD Home and Garden. This is a wholesale distributor and I haven't been able to locate an online retailer that sells the sign. Homegoods might have it.
The back entrance is to the left, but does not exist in the real house. For the inside scoop, read Revenge - Emily Thorne's Beach House in the Hamptons at Hooked on Houses.
You can see a coastal beach vignette on the side table that consists of a lighthouse and bottles topped with sea treasures.
Then a Surfboard as Decor at the Grayson's beach house.
The fictional Grayson mansion includes a pool house, which is the living quarters of their twenty-something son Daniel. Dark blues, rich brown accents, and white moldings give it a nautical feel. You can see ship models on the side table and a few framed nautical charts on the walls.
In this scene from last years episode you can catch a glimpse of a seagull painting by artist Robin Rowe.
The original Seagulls painting hangs in a home on the coast of South Carolina. See ABC Revenge at Design Loft.
Can you spot the dolphin sculptures in Emily's bedroom?
And more dolphins at Nolan's modern beach house. One on the table and a tall one outside.